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Visayas Cluster participated in Training of Trainors for QAS for BDRRM Plan in Cebu City

Save the Children Philippine in cooperation and partnership with Local Government Academy roll out the first batch of capability training on Quality Assurance System for BDRRM Plan for Luzon Cluster. It was participated by Local Government Units, Regional DILG Representatives, OCD and Local Resource Institutes (LRI) in the regions of Visayas. 

Training of Trainors of QAS Tool for Mindanao Cluster

Taining of Trainors of QAS Tool for Mindano Cluster was held in Davao City. It was attended by different Provincial LGUs, municipality, OCD and LRIs in Mindanao.  The events are clustered into different modalities. Series of lectures was conducted to familiarized different part of the assurance system.  All the partipants were group into differents topics for them to demostrate the delivery of QAS as part of thier commitment to rollout the system to their respective LGUs.
